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Magali Attiogbé

Magali Attiogbé was born in Togo in the 80s, from a French mother and a Togolese father. Arriving in France at 3, she quickly discovered the joys of drawing at school, which will lead her to choose the path of visual arts in high school, and later illustration. After studying Applied Arts in Lyon, she got in to l’École Estienne, from which she graduated in 2002. Since then, she likes to explore techniques and subjects and works on supports as varied as posters, books, newspapers, postcards, dishes, wallpaper, toys, trucks… She works mainly for children but not only: La Martinière Jeunesse, Gallimard Jeunesse, Les éditions des Éléphants, Milan, Amaterra, Flammarion, Bayard, Larousse, Hazan… For fifteen years she made many toys for the brand Djeco.